A safe, completely confidential space for surgeons to begin to unload and process through trauma experiences they have been carrying. This takes the form of individual psychotherapy and/or group psychotherapy with other surgeons (with in-person or virtual options).
1689 Crown Avenue, Suite 3
Lancaster, PA 17601
Terms of Use:
Truman Counseling Services, LLC makes reasonable efforts to provide accurate and complete information on this website. All information shared on this website will be kept confidential and will not be sold, reused, rented, traded, loaned or otherwise disclosed. The information shared on this website by the user will be strictly used to understand your needs in order to provide you with better services. We are committed to ensuring that your information is secure. Only authorized staff of Truman Counseling Services, LLC will have access to personal information given by the user.
All Rights Reserved | Truman Counseling Services, LLC